Here are a few random mixes that I remembered putting online not long ago. These are mixed decently, about as good as I could do simply pointing and clicking on VirtualDJ. They will get a lot more creative once I am using an actual mixer with the program.
This is pretty random, spanning a few genres.
This one is a mixdown of one of Marco V's latest albums......
They sound good, but let us know how you get on with the new program as you have potential and can out do what you posted here.
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good posts
Sounds really good :)
ReplyDeletenot bad not bad. keep up the good work
ReplyDeleteThats SICK!
ReplyDeletethanks for the update i enjoyed the music
ReplyDeleteSounds pretty good. Keep it up!
ReplyDeletei like i like!
Some good music my man! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteGood sounding stuff. Keep up the good work.
ReplyDeleteDamn man nice job, you did make these right? You need a record deal lol
ReplyDeleteNice stuff they sound great!
ReplyDeleteQuality stuff you got there.
ReplyDeleteNice song, listened twice :p
ReplyDeleteSounds awesome! Keep up the good work!
ReplyDeletei like the song,thanks for links.
ReplyDeletenice mixes!
really cool. great job man!